A dual exhibition with Yoon Hyup opens 3/20 at GR Gallery
RSVP for opening on 3/20 to info@gr-gallery.com
MIDNIGHTS - a short art story by Jasmine Angelique
For the clock pushers, day breakers, time crunchers, forever move makers / For the world shifting, late night explorers, shinning your lights to guide us forward / For the living in the moment, time on freeze, a day in the life and all that's in between / Energy electric, alchemy day to night / Stay centered, stay focused, stay shinning your light.... Sure as the stars shine at night and the sunsets end the days. Moments in time as the time fades away.
GR gallery is proud to announce “MIDNIGHTS”, a vanguard exhibition of new works by Brooklyn based artists Yoon Hyup and Bisco Smith. For their first two person show at GR gallery they have engaged in a close dialogue inspired by the artistic energy driven through the late night rebellion and the galvanizing city lights at night. The sharp artworks by Hyup and Smith, dynamic but discrete unto themselves, speak to each other in a confident and refreshing harmony.
“MIDNIGHTS” puts together 30 pieces, including paintings, works on papers, installations, two individual new prints and interior murals. The Opening reception will take place Wednesday March 20th, 6:00pm - 9:00pm (Exhibition Dates: March 21st– April 20th 2019) and the artists will be attending the opening.